Friday, July 1, 2016

Cave of Thrones Season 6 Finale - ALL MEN MUST DIE! (Part 2)

Welcome back to "Cave of Thrones!!!" Obviously, there was a shitload to talk about in this episode, since the guys have already gone on twice as long as the episode actually was, and they're not done yet. It's not hyperbole that you should probably strap in for this episode.

 In this episode, CraigMakk digs deep into the psyche of one of his TV show heroes, a man who also threw a child from a window to protect his incestuous relationship with his sister (way to pick 'em, Makk); Jest explains why it's completely normal not to question your sister about why she conveniently forgot to mention that she called the cavalry (weren't you in the Marines, Jest??); and both guys discuss at length why GRRM is pretty much like Alec Baldwin telling a story during a camping trip. Oh, and the beer flows pretty openly in this one, so try to keep up. Strap in, grab a beer, and welcome back to "Cave of Thrones!!!"

Beers of the Show: 

Ommegang Take the Black Stout, which makes a repeat appearance as a very special gift from a loving cohost;

and Lagunitas CitruSinensis Blood Orange Pale Ale, because the hoppy burst will help you handle all the blood that will inevitably flow during this episode.


Here are a couple pics of the Ommegang Game of Thrones Gift Pack that CraigMakk got for Serious Jest for Christmas, standing right next to the awesome Breaking Bad lamp that Jest gave Makk! Aren't they just the most adorable co-hosts?? Enjoy!

MP3 File

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