Saturday, October 15, 2022

Episode 33 Part Three: When Microwaves Attack!

Welcome back to "Live from the ManCave!!!" If you thought shit was weird on this show before, you seriously ain't heard nothin' yet...but you'll definitely taste the spritz. 

In this episode, the guys discuss one of their wackiest and terrifying stories yet (and they've talked about Harold Camping, so you know this is crazy). Lucas (from "Lucas Builds the Future") rebuilds his childhood friend, and things quickly go off the rails. You'll also learn that CraigMakk knows his Thunder Lizards; Serious Jest explains how worried he is about his PSE&G bill gaining sentience; and (semi-)special guest Brian shares a private story about absorbing his twin's ovaries (we told you it was weird!); plus, you'll hear about some absolutely delicious beers that you'll want to try immediately. 

So strap in, grab yourself a beer, and welcome back to "Live from the ManCave!!! Because it's time to make friends with our future robot overlords before it's too late.

Beer(s) of the Show!!!

More Brewing Company's Strawberry Double Marbles Imperial Fruited IPA 
(8% ABV)

Gigantic Brewing Company's MASSIVE! 2019 Bourbon Barrel-Aged Barleywine
(14% ABV)

Ciroq Vodka Spritz (Ohhhhh, least you tried)
(7% ABV)

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