Saturday, March 10, 2012

Episode 7 - Bonus Features

In Episode Seven, we unveil our newest invention: the ManCave MovieNight! This wonderful creation allows us to focus an entire episode on our World-Famous "Watch That Shit!" segment, essentially becoming a full "spoilercast". This will allow you to control how you spoil movies for yourself. Or go back and watch the movies and catch up on the MovieNights without getting behind on our even MORE World-Famous LFtMC Episodes! Or just skip them because you don't care. Whatever, we don't care, as long as you subscribe to our show. If we learned anything from Nielsen ratings, it's that if you stick your head in the sand and pretend you don't worry about changes likes "the Internet" and "people's tastes" and "watching habits," you can stay in business forever.

So anyway, in this episode we do a spoiler-free review of Chronicle for you, in case you want to see that in the theater. We also get pretty spoil-heavy on "Horrible Bosses" and "The Adjustment Bureau," so make sure you've either seen them or don't care. Because we'll spoil it. We'll do it. Seriously, we don't care. We're crazy like that.

Lucky for you, there's not a whole lot you need to know for this brand-new episode, the ManCave MovieNight. So simply enjoy some Abita S.O.S. Pilsner, and let us know what you think at!

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