Sunday, September 1, 2019

Live from the MCU!!! Episode Six: FEAR the Banana Hammock

Welcome back to "Live from the MCU!!!" The Villains get a day off...and boy, is the whole world going to pay for their vacation policy. One thing is for sure, no one else finds them as funny as they do right now. SERPENSORTIA!!

In this episode, CraigMakk finds that he picked a really bad day to stop drinking; Serious Jest absolutely hits his RP'ing stride when talking about a) dildo hallucinations and/or b) his dick; GM Jim Sardonic welcomes the world premiere of his new buddy, Sidekick BotJim; and shit literally hits the fan when these two "SuperVillains" decide to take some PTO from their day job. Prepare to order a whole shitload of new "Live from the ManCave!!!" t-shirts after this one; learn how differently the guys handle compliments; uncover the painful truth that no one cares about the story in a porno (or an RPG); listen to their very own Amazing Fantasy #5, the spectacular birth of Florida Man; and much, much more. All while finding out about some pretty crazy drinks. So strap in, grab yourself a beer, and just start beating it and see what happens in "Live from the MCU!!!" 

Drink(s) of the Show:

Wells Banana Bread Beer

Japanese Plum Gekkeikan Saki
Orange Ass-Water (don't ask)

Notes from the ManCave!!!
-Want to find out more about what these lunatics are talking about? Join their Discord server here and you can join in the conversation!
-Want to find out where you can find a local Tabletop RPG group of your own? You too can be fighting with dildos soon by clicking on RPG TableFinder!
-Check out Tavour to find out how to get access to some truly outrageous beers. Don't forget to use the referral code "448136" to get $10 off your first order!

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