Welcome back to "ManCave at Midnight," brought to you by the creators of the world-famous* "Live from the ManCave!!!" podcast! Want to hear the guys dive down deep into the critically acclaimed Netflix show, "Midnight Mass"? Dear God, I hope so, otherwise you came to the wrong corner of the Internet...
In the Second Chapter of episode one, the guys (including very special guest, Mork1911) wrap up their incredibly detailed discussion of Book One: Genesis. Throughout the conversation, Jest shares some very special moments from his own incredibly loving childhood; CraigMakk discusses how every key moment in his formative years was leading to the moment where he'd "be a podcaster one day!" (and reminds you multiple times...very loudly); and Mork explains why he thinks a little tough love from dear old Dad never hurt nobody (except for all of the associated emotional scarring, but that doesn't count, right?). All while discussing how "Midnight Mass" perfectly encapsulates the difficulties of being a parent (and also a child, no matter how old you get), demonstrates that not all good parents end up with good kids, and how to say goodbye to the past without destroying your future. And don't forget about those incredible alcoholic beverages they are still enjoying. Chef's kiss for Atheism, Riley! So, strap in, grab yourself a beer, and welcome back to "ManCave at Midnight!" It's not the hell you expect, but it's the hell you deserve.
*may or may not actually be world-famous
Beer(s) of the Show:
Dogfish Head Camp Amp Milk Stout (6.5% ABV)
Apple Glog (.5% ABV (apparently that's not a typo!))
Monday Night Brewing Overnight Celebrity
Maple Bourbon Barrel Imperial Porter (11.5% ABV)