In this episode, CraigMakk will introduce you to his favorite video game ever, "CraigMakk: The Game"; Serious Jest explains why he looks up to CraigMakk as his anti-racism educating Big Brother; Special Guest GabeGonzo proves he's the ultimate eternal beta tester; Special Guest Luimbe puts everyone to shame with his ability to break down complex social issues and topics through multiple media fronts...on someone else's podcast; Wacker and Proudstar make a surprise visit to the FanCave and show off their best impersonations of Triumph the Insult Comic Dog; plus, uncover why Jest hates bad cartography in his games; educate yourself on how to hide your political views and conversations from "The Man"; cringe in horror as "physical excitement" for Margot Robbie is finally dethroned by the Black Widow herself; listen to some quality poetry; celebrate some all-new ManCave First Evers; all while learning about some outstanding beers that will surely get you drunk while you try (and fail) to adequately home-school your children and forget what day of the week it is during the COVID Quarantine. So strap in, grab yourself a beer, and welcome back to "Live from the ManCave!!!: Social Distancing Episode!"
Beer(s) of the Show:
Anchorage Brewing The Turning Shape Belgian Style Triple
Barrier Brewing's Great Experiment Vol 4 Honor IPA
Two Roads Two Die For Raspberry Chocolate Stout
Evil Genius #Adulting IPA
Notes from the ManCave!!!
- Want to join in the fun with the guys live? Join the LftMC!!! Discord server by clicking here!
- Stay tuned to this link for a final list of the "Old to the New" winners (to be added soon).
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