You can now check out “Live from the ManCave!!!” via Stitcher Radio and iTunes (Don’t forget to rate us 5 stars)!
Welcome to "Live from the ManCave!!!", the one that started it all. In our inaugural episode, we test the very limits of our commitment to this whole podcast adventure and come out even stronger in our desire to be the best damn show you've ever heard. Serious Jest plays his "Christian card' by immediately throwing his support behind a crazy man, Chewie sounds like he is phoning it in from the middle of the Atlantic due to some technical difficulties, and CraigMakk does his best to remember that he's not supposed to be pimping another podcast about video games (<cough> BarcodePodcast <cough>). All the while, the guys talk about their favorite movies and genres, suggest a couple flicks you may not have seen, and get pretty drunk about halfway through. All in all, a pretty damn successful show if you ask us. Sit back, grab a drink, and welcome to "Live from the ManCave!!!"
MP3 File
DISCLAIMER: No, we aren't actually able to honor the FourLoko contest, due to the illegal nature of the product in some states. Yes, we may still do these contests in the future. Keep listening to find out!
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