Welcome back to "Live from the ManCave!!!" This massive episode finally comes to an end...but you will be haunted by it forever more.
In this episode, CraigMakk somehow starts a CaveBattle over Rob Zombie, and not the war he ever expected; Serious Jest finally shatters the will of his co-host AND special guests all in one episode; "Special Guest" GabeGonzo spends half the show promoting his other podcast with Serious Jest like a bawss; and
other "Special Guest" Luimbe will give you an incredible breakdown of what makes each of the cable news stations suck in their own special way. Plus, prepare to learn why Jest is the paragon of political arguments; understand a bit more how hurtful a hierarchy can be amongst friends; and listen to how two co-hosts (and best friends) can have a fundamental difference in opinion on how to interpret a show topic; all while learning about some incredibly delicious and high alcohol-content beers.
"That's what you did to me in 2019, Jest!!" It's not just a shirt...it's a cry for help. So strap in, grab yourself a beer, and welcome back to "Live from the ManCave!!!"
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