In this episode, CraigMakk reminds you that you must always Remember the Beetles; Serious Jest breaks out his newly-signed ManCave Chorus group; and the guys discuss the beginning of the series finale, including topics such as: why friends don't mix politics and brutal warfare; break down why the show really liked to lean in to its "White Savior Complex" a bit too much; dissect the eerie similarity in speech patterns between Targaryen leaders and a certain Nazi you may have heard of; roll out their brand new podcast, "The CraigMakk & Fiery Justice Show;" and much, much more. All while drinking some absolutely incredible beers that will make you want to (or need to) bend the knee. So strap in, grab yourself a beer, and welcome back to "Cave of Thrones!!!"
Beer(s) of the Show:
Dogfish Head Midas Touch Ancient Ale
Ommegang King in the North barrel-aged Imperial Stout
Three Floyd's Space Station Middle Finger Pale Ale
Notes from the ManCave!!!
- As always, join the official "Live from the ManCave!!!" Discord server here to join in the Thrones spoiler talk!