In this episode, CraigMakk shares his thoughts on ol' Melting Face McConnell (spoiler alert: they ain't great); Serious Jest takes a bold and aggressive stance on race-baiting jerks (spoiler alert: they ain't so great neither); and both guys talk about some Serious-Ass topics while drinking some Serious-Ass beers. Trust me, there's still some funny buried in there. It'll just take you a minute to find it. So grab yourself a beer, strap in, and welcome back to "Live from the ManCave!!!"
Beers of the Show:
More of NJ Beer Company's "Enjoy 004 Milk Stout"
(Why mess with a winner?)
Broken Goblet's "Fools & Kings Belgian Dubbel"
Notes from the ManCave:
Jacqueline Battalora's "Birth of a White Nation"
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