Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Episode Thirteen - Live from the BatCave!!!

In this episode, we preview TedAbraham Lincoln: Vampire HunterSnow White & the HuntsmanAmazing Spider-Man, and The Dark Knight Rises. We also go all-out and spoil Another Earth and the first season of Parks and Rec. Enjoy our triumphant return to the innerwebs!

Welcome back to "Live from the ManCave!!!" Yes, we are back...sort of. Yes, this is Episode Thirteen. No, we don't think thirteen comes after ten. We lost a few episodes in the eight month break we took while CraigMakk attempted to raise his children (blame lucky number 13). We'll try to dig them up, but just enjoy this blast from the past while we do.

In this episode, CraigMakk explains how Abraham Lincoln was actually murdered with a hammer; Jest confides that he is comfortable discussing the micro-penis; and friend of the show Jon (from "INeedAnotherDrink.com") jinxes the hell out of our show.

To put this episode in perspective, we also spend an inordinate amount of time breaking down "The Dark Knight Rises", which came to theaters THE NIGHT BEFORE. Yup, we're a bit behind. Just pretend you opened a time capsule, and this show will be amazing.

Throughout it all, you'll learn where to buy horrible knock-off moonshine, how to convince your friend that Honest Abe cut down the cherry tree, and get hooked on the greatest TV jingle of all time. Oh, and listen to us get pretty drunk...time changes nothing. So sit back, grab a beer, and welcome to "Live from the ManCave!!!"

Beer of the Show: The Lost Abbey's "Judgement Day", a Belgian Quadrupel that apparently judged our show not worthy for eight months.

MP3 File