Welcome back to "Live from the ManCave" for another ManCave MovieNight! Set your spoiler alarm, because CraigMakk recommends seeing The Avengers, and the guys discuss upcoming movies that they're looking forward to (boy, were they wrong on some of them!) They finally go full spoiler on previous "Watch That Sh*t" selections Sanctum and 9. But first, enjoy some more of the amazing adventures of your favorite alcoholic's favorite alcoholics.
In this episode, CraigMakk pays for snitching on another drunk guy; Serious Jest eats a poor, unsuspecting fence; and the guys enjoy some incredible beers, even if they have to pay for it later. There's a moral to this story about never trusting bouncers or police...or maybe it was don't drink and parkour...but the guys are too drunk to learn any lessons. So strap in, grab yourself a beer, and welcome back to "Live from the ManCave!!!"
Beer of the Show:
no matter how many times Serious Jest tried to summon him)